Celebrating 5 great years of squad

I clearly remember the first Swim Smooth Suffolk squad session early morning on Sat 7 Jan 2017 - dark outside, feeling nervous, with 40 swimmers poolside, many of whom I’d never met. For some reason I based the session at the deep end, and with six or seven people per lane, that was awkward for resting 🙄 I’m a much better coach now and many swimmers from those early weeks are still with squad and have also improved enormously (eg 30 sec or more per 100m.).
Five years on, and just like 07.01.17, today’s session of 40 swimmers was an original, carefully-crafted and balanced 70 min session called “5 years, 5 gears”, easy to follow but varied and highly effective - with a fun relay (involving golf balls🤷‍♂️) to finish.

Here’s what one squadie (one of those in from day one and whose 100m has reduced by 30+sec) messaged me after today’s anniversary session:

Thank you so much Seamus for being a big part of my swim journey - I continue to love it! So many inspirational fellow swimmers - thank you for bringing us all together.

That’s what Swimsmooth (Suffolk) is all about 😊

As our longevity and feedback shows - a Swim Smooth squad is a really great thing to be part of! 💙

(We now have three whole-pool squad sessions a week - Mon mornings & Tues eves, as well as Sats - get in touch to find your place:)

Seamus Bennett