Covid-19 pandemic - response

Swim Smooth Suffolk has ceased in-water operations for the time-being. Tuesday 17th March was the last Squad session (pictured). The Felixstowe Swimscapes group has also suspended sea swimming until public health advice changes. I am keeping in touch with all three of our squads via the Whatsapp groups, and also posting on our Swim Smooth Suffolk Facebook page.

The gravity of this pandemic is not to be underestimated and ALL our efforts should be made to support and protect the NHS and vulnerable groups in society - this must take precedence over any other activity. Nevertheless, with many people at home now and with no swimming possible, there is great value in establishing a routine, keeping mobile and even enhancing aspects of fitness such as strength and flexibility.

So I am sharing links to good online routines, foremost of which being Swim Smooth Head Coach Paul Newsome’s groovy new “Fonda Smooth” series on YouTube :) Two Squad members and myself are also planning some video guidance (including strength, flexibility, injury prevention & nutrition) to share with the Squads and via Facebook.

Being self-employed, I’ve had many kind messages of support about the ceasing of business, but please don’t worry about me personally - I have my two sons to keep me company and my 90 year-old mum to keep me busy! And I’m also enjoying resurrecting my running legs while we’re still allowed to get out to solo exercise - Felixstowe promenade really is a special place to run, especially early morning. Amidst the upset and worry of this situation, it’s great to keep active, keep in touch and look to the future as positively as possible - all while staying at home!!! Go well my friends and I look forward to us swimming together again some sunny day not too far away!

Seamus Bennett