
I really like this recent photo of Lane 1 from the last Tuesday squad of term: it captures perfectly the sense of togetherness, mutual support and enjoyment across all the Swim Smooth Suffolk squads. It’s always been there of course, but in recent weeks I’ve sensed an extra surge in this camaraderie and sense of fun, combined with a willingness to work REALLY hard to improve and help others to do the same.

The photo features Sarah, usually of Saturday squad and recently taking up water polo (with me!) - Sarah later said that she felt really ‘smooth and streamlined’ during the session; then there’s Cheryl, a dynamic running coach who’s just discovering swimming, through Swim Smooth, often asking questions, such as how to do faster turns; and Conrad, a real gentleman who in last 2 years has harnessed swimming, indoors and out, to help shed significant weight and keep getting faster - Conrad has only recently joined the squad and is a great addition to any lane!

Believe it or not, these 3 athletes didn’t know each other before this session, but worked together like best buddies. It made for a different look to Lane 1 - but it’s clear the session brought them together to nail a very challenging CSS set. The atmosphere was so positive in all 3 lanes, with superb focus, sharing the lead, rooting for and respecting one another - that’s what Swim Smooth squads are all about…here’s to an equally squadtastic 2019!

Seamus Bennett